Thursday, August 27, 2015

Happy New Zealand Poetry Day!

It's Poetry Day!  To celebrate why not go to Paula Green's Poetry Box to find 10 cool things to do. Paula is one of New Zealand's best poets, having published lots of poetry collections of her own for both adults and children.

This is one we love! Pop into your library at Timaru, Temuka or Geraldine and try a tasty poem!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Ursula Moray Williams Creative Writing Competition

This cool competition is open to children and teens that live in, or attend school in South Canterbury, and are in Years 1-13, or if home-educated, are 5-18 years old. 

The Ursula Moray Williams Cup will be awarded for best overall story in Years 1-8 categories, and there are great prizes for winners and runners-up in each age category.

  • To enter, students must write an original story of no more than 500 words on any topic. 
  • Stories will be judged on originality, language skills, characterisation, story construction and how they have captured the spirit of Ursula Moray Williams’ writing.  
  • Only one entry per person may be submitted.
  • A completed entry form must be attached to each entry. 
  • Entry forms are available at Timaru District Libraries at Timaru, Temuka or Geraldine.
  • Entries may be handed in at Timaru, Geraldine or Temuka Libraries or posted to Timaru District Libraries, PO Box 228, Timaru 7940, Attention: Youth Services Librarian. 
  • Entries close at 5pm on Friday 25 September 2015
Write on!!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Winchester School at the library!

It was great to see all the keen readers from Winchester School at the Timaru Library last week :-)
Library staff are looking forward to seeing them come back in the holidays to try our fun holiday programmes at Temuka and Geraldine Libraries too.
Happy reading!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

It's Dino-mite at the libraries these holidays!

Louisa, Emily and Sophie made very cool dinosaurs with moving legs at Timaru Library today.

Jenna and Zara played the Dinosaur Stomp Challenge.  Go to Temuka, Geraldine or Timaru Libraries to play the game - it's Dino-mite!!!
Here is talented and creative Ashleigh James-Corcoran with her awesome dinosaur at
Geraldine Library. Come in to any of our libraries to see the dinosaurs that kids have made
these holidays :-)

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Be in to win a tablet!!!

Be in to win a tablet!!!

  • Enter the draw simply by downloading the Wheelers ePlatform app and borrowing a library ebook. 
  • First you need to be a Timaru District Libraries member with up-to-date membership - check with us if you're not sure. 
  • Then go to your appstore - Apple, Google Play or Amazon, and download the free Wheelers ePlatform app. 
  • Choose Timaru District Libraries from the list then log in and select your books. Contact your library at Timaru, Temuka or Geraldine if you need some help. 

 Good luck!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Best books chosen by the Xtreme Readers

Magyk by Angie Sage
Lots of different things going on, the characters are really cool

Charlie Bone series by Jenny Nimmo
Lots of magic and lots of adventure

Darke by Angie Sage
Heaps of adventure and really funny

Sam B:
The maze runner by James Dashner
Action packed and full of surprises

Anne of Green Gables
Anne  is always getting into trouble and doing things wrong

Sam A:
Just stupid by Andy Griffiths
Lots of short stories, usually really funny

My brother the werewolf (Crying wolf) by Sienna Mercer
About a werewolf in love and going on dates

Eyeball stew by Alan McDonald
Iggy the cave boy is smarter than everyone else in the Ug tribe – really funny.

Black Stallion by Farley Walter
After a slow start it gets quite exciting with new possibilities and a surprise ending

Cookie by Jacqueline Wilson
Funny, bold plot

A snicker of magic by Natalie Lloyd
About a family that moves around a lot, a very shy girl and an ice cream that helps people

Black Stallion by Farley Walter
Because it was unpredictable

Canterwood Crest by Jessica Burkhart
All about my favourite animals, horses!

The testing by Joelle Charbonneau
Its like The Hunger Games and Divergent thrown into a pot and mixed together

Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
It’s the Hunger Games!

Hello Kitty by Linda Chapman
Two stories in one. It starts out good, the middle is bad and the rest is good….but the Christmas tree burns down!

Find these great books at your nearest library at Timaru, Temuka or Geraldine, or on our eplatform ...
Happy reading!!!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Winning poetry!

Winners of the New Zealand Poetry Day Competition 2014

These are the great poems that won our poetry-writing competition earlier this year.  Fantastic work!  Keep writing :-)

Overall Winner


The colour of embarrassment is dark grey
The taste of embarrassment is sour
The smell of embarrassment is black bananas
The look of embarrassment is a straight face
The sound of embarrassment is silence
The feel of embarrassment are butterflies
Embarrassment can look lots of ways to a child

By Riley Anderson

Winner 8 years and under

Oil fire

Bubbling, sizzling, like a sparkler
Sparkling in the dark, spitting,
Water is not handy,
Bright orange flames, I feel small and frightened,
Boiling hot,
Oil fire

By Emma Clearwater

Winner 9 – 13 years

The Orchestra

She lets her eyes wander over them,
Watching their every move.
They need to do their best tonight.
She remembers the long practises,
Their jokes and laughter.
Are they ready?
Tonight they must paint a work of art,
Their browns, greens, reds and yellows blending together to create harmony.
She lifts her arms and beats a time.
They must be ready

He brings his violin to his chest, bow on the strings,
Is he ready?
He remembers the dents on his fingers after pressing down on the strings piece after piece.
He has practised hard for this moment.
Tonight, he will create a work of art for the conductor
Making her proud of them all.
He is ready

They watch their children, up on stage, ready to begin.
Are their children ready?
Have they practised enough?
They remember hearing sound billowing out of bedrooms,
The excitement, the elation when something went right.
Tonight, their children will paint a work of art.
They are ready

She brings down her arms, and they begin,
Sending the first notes floating away.
She watches as her students create a work of art.

H sends music spinning, dancing, weaving.
His violin in perfect harmony with the other instruments.
He is creating a work of art

They watch in awe as their children play.
In their minds, they witness a camel train trek through a dry, dusty desert,
They imagine the planet Jupiter spinning on its hinges,
They become spectators at a parade, watching clowns, gymnasts, and jugglers.
Then it is over.

She bows, smiling.
Her students have done well.

He grins.
He has played well.

They clap and cheer.
They can still see the pictures their children created in music in their heads
Their children have done well.

By Grace Shaw

Winner 14 – 19 years


She is what society wants her to be,
But not.
She is the mirror of perfection,
But it’s cracked
Her face is happy,
But her toughts are evil.
She’s like an open book,
With hidden pages.
When she speaks her words flow,
But really she’s muttering.
Her eyes are open,
But she wished they were closed.
She’s surrounded by people,
Yet she is alone.
She sits in silence,
And they whisper in her ear.
They are her demons,
The demons are her.

By Annalise Robertson